0131 281 0429

0740 463 3415
19 Smith's Place
Edinburgh, EH6 8NU
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Polish Family Support Centre
Confidentiality Policy
Polish Family Support Centre is committed to providing a confidential service to its users. No information given to Polish Family Support Centre will be shared with any other organisation or individual without the user’s expressed permission. However, if a member of PFSC staff is concerned about your safety or have any concerns with regards to your health, the staff member, may decide to go against your wishes. If this is the case, you will be informed first, and will be informed throughout.
For the purpose of this policy, confidentiality relates to the transmission of personal, sensitive or identifiable information about individuals or organisations (confidential information), which comes into the possession of the organisation through its work.
Polish Family Support Centre holds personal data about its staff, users etc. which will only be used for the purposes for which it was gathered and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of the organisation without prior permission. All personal data will be dealt with sensitively and in the strictest confidence internally and externally.
We are also committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
Adopted on: 11th February 2010
Reviewed date: 7th January 2017
Confidentiality Policy